Convention on the Rights of the Child
roots of empathy
Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
project nospank
European Network of Ombudspersons for Children
WAVETrust: We are dedicated to making the world safer by reducing the root causes of violence, including child abuse and neglect.
Caroline Fetscher's review of Martin Miller's book about his mother Alice
my thoughts about Martin Miller's book "The True Drama of the Gifted Child" (English)
meine Gedanken über Martin Millers Buch "Das wahre Drama des begabten Kindes" (deutsch)
Interview with Martin Miller
Alice Miller's "For Your Own Good"
The Recovered Memory Project
Jerry Sandusky, Msrg. William Lynn and the Horace Mann School — extend the statute of limitations well into adulthood
The Children Deserve Justice
The Case of Trauma and Recovery - Conversation with Judith Herman
Jennifer Freyd: What is Betrayal Trauma?
J. J. Freyd's Trauma, Memory and Betrayal Trauma Research
Jennifer J. Freyd, Betrayal Trauma: Traumatic Amnesia as an Adaptive Response to Childhood Abuse
False Memory Syndrome vs. Lying Perpetrator Syndrome: The Big Lie
Marilyn Van Derbur
Marilyn Van Derbur's interview part 1
Miss America By Day: Lessons Learned from Ultimate Betrayals and Unconditional Love, by Marilyn Van Derbur
How to Prevent Violent Criminal Behavior in the Next Generation
Petition netzwerkB: Protect our children from sexual violence!
Netzwerk Betroffener von sexualisierter Gewalt
padres christianos y no violentes
The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners calls for the elimination of corporal punishment of children in the home, in schools and in all other settings
How Children Really React to Control – by Thomas Gordon, Ph.D.
read at NoSpank: The Acceptance Speech I Wish Jamie Foxx Had Made
read at Parenting in Jesus' Footsteps: When Do We Protect Innocent Lives?
read about the importance of anger for disconnecting from a religious upbringing
"The Myth of Forgiveness" by netzwerkB
"Mythos der Vergebung" von netzwerkB
The Abuse of Forgiveness – Religious Maltreatment
emerging from broken
house of mirrors
Early brain development
The Facts about Spanking
Spanking kids can cause long-term harm: Canada study
World Report on Violence against Children
Spanking No Help in Child-Rearing
European Network of Ombudspersons for Children
The Child Rights Information Network
Repeal 43 committee
voices from childhood
Child Trauma Academy
Bruce Perry: Sexual Abuse in Infancy
Childhood Experience and the Expression of Genetic Potential: What Childhood Neglect Tells
Us About Nature and Nurture
Christina Robb: This Changes Everything - The Relational Revolution in Psychology
This Changes Everything: excerpts
The Center for Self Leadership
The Larger Self by Richard Schwartz
video: IFS by The Center for Self Leadership
Beyond Words: Women Healing Women in Israel
video: 'You Are Not Alone' - Freedomain Radio Interviews Dr Richard Schwartz
critique of primal therapy
critique of systemic constellation therapy
in German: "Bert Hellingers Verfahren ist Humbug"
Breaking Down the Walls of Silence
"Darkness to Light" - end child sexual abuse
7 steps to protecting our children - "Darkness to Light"
The Hitting Stops Here
the king of pain
The Sexual Dangers of Spanking Children
Spare the Rod - Why you shouldn't hit your kids
The Official Website of Andrew Vachss
Andrew Vachss: You Carry the Cure In Your Own Heart
Andrew Vachss and Oprah Winfrey interview
Website of Jim Hopper
Protect: National Association to Protect Children
End All Corporal Punishment of Children
Epoch - End Physical Punishment of Children
Stop the Rod
Girl spanked to death in the name of god
The Female Genital Cutting Education and Networking Project
Male Circumcision and HIV
telephone hotline for victims of sexual abuse in Germany
Son sues mother over child beatings
Scars that Time Won't Heal - The Neurobiology of Child Abuse
Josef Fritzl - What Compelled Him to Become a "Cellar Monster"?
Beth Fenimore: Open Letter to Roy Lessin, Author of Spanking: Why, When, How
What Should I Do When I See Someone Hitting Their Kid?
Los peligros sexuales de las nalgadas a los niños
Im Namen Gottes
Robert Grille: Parenting for a Peaceful World
Robin Grille: Natural Born Bullies
seeking justice for survifors of childhood sexual abuse - Jeff Anderson & Associates
Schizophrenia Recovery without Medication—Hearing Voices
Take these Broken Wings: documentary about people who recovered from schizophrenia without psychiatric medication
The Trauma Center
Oprah Winfrey - Shattering the Secrecy of Incest - Part 1
Mackenzie Phillips and the Stockholm Syndrome
Oprah Winfrey - Shattering the Secrecy of Incest - Part 2
Oprah Winfrey - Mackenzie Phillips - 10/15/2009 Part 4 - no longer sees what happened as "consensual"
Mackenzie Phillips' Rape: Incest Is NEVER Consensual
The Lost Girls of South Africa
The Oprah Show - First Interview: Former Child Star Mackenzie Phillips' Stunning Revelations
Mackenzie P Interview Follow-Up
Excerpt from High on Arrival
In Gottes Namen
Home From War
Battling the Inner Demons of War - What Joe Dwyer's Death Can Teach Us about PTSD |