Hero Child

escape from the fog of admiration
response Mia
response Fran
response Sabine
when seeing the truth and feeling the rage is not enough
roots of powerlessness


Pam's response


response to "fog of admiration:"

Barbara, I read your post to List re AM. I am amazed and humbled by your bravery, insights and honesty. Barbara, I would be remiss if I did not say this to you. When we met, I had not heard of IFS. All I knew was before me sat someone who "got"me. You remembered ME from week to week. You gently listened and listened and listened. Then you supported ME and got angry for what had happened to ME. You never once blamed me for anything. This was new to me. I am so used to being blamed by family, friends, therapists. Their philosophy always end with YOU must have done something!!!!

Barbara, because of you and your knowledge of IFS and other therapies (and I think a lot of it is who YOU are inside) my life has been irrevocably changed. I am changed. My life has improved in ways I cannot tell you. Now, in reading what you have shared with Alice Miller I am amazed at the depth and thought and self -examination you revealed. You amaze me. And, you have given me the courage to speak honestly to my bullies. I still have Parts that are frightened from years of longing and deceit and put-downs. But, my dear woman, I know how to handle that in a much stronger way now.

The troubling thing is that for it not your strenghth and the power of your forum participants who saw through Alice Miller's unkind and violent attacks on you, the forum might have dissolved. So many people would have been denied this powerful resource - in a way it would have been being abandoned....again. Why would Alice Miller be willing to risk this?

Barbara, I know I have thanked you so many times for your friendship, your sessions with me that you so graciously cloaked as us just chatting. My life has taken a different road. That road came along just when I needed it most.

I applaud you for your bravery and for taking good care...real good care of yourself and US.


Pam Jacobs

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